Tired Of Slow Downloading Speed On Chrome? Boost Up Your File Download Speed For Free!

 Boost Up Your File Download Speed For Free!

Trying to speed up your download speed inside your chome some times it will cuased by the websites, may be they you are using slow server but if you are good speed website you have checked on another PC its definetly not that problem you should try this technic to speed up your download speed...

Its called parallel downloading its just a setting in youir chrome you can enable to speed up your downloading speed.

What it does to speed your download speed : it devides the full files into small files and it will cause speed up in your download speed so you can download any files faster.

How to enable parallel download in your PC
open your chome and click on address bar and type "Chrome://flags"

Click enter and someting this type of interface will come

Now click on search bar and search parallel downloading 

Now click on Default and set it to enable

Now chrome will ask to relaunch it then click relaunch

And boom your setting are saved and you will see a boost up in your chrome downloading speed 

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